Who We Are



While there are many opportunities for Clovia women to broaden their social experience, scholastic achievement is a priority among members. A minimum GPA of 2.65 is required for initiation and full membership.

Clovia also offers other opportunities to enhance the academic environment. There is a large study room with 24-hour quiet, study hours for relaxed study. There is also a house computer available for everyone.



Cooperative Living

House duties are distributed among members in this cooperative living situation, with four hours of duties per week for first-year members. This decreases by one hour for each year you have lived in the house.

Duties are assigned based on each woman's preferences and are arranged around class schedules. Each person has the opportunity to request certain duties, from cooking and cleaning to yard work.

Other duties are assigned on a rotating basis, including responsibilities like weekend duties and serving the Wednesday night formal dinner.

This cooperative effort allows Clovia to be an economical living situation. Members pay around $3,500 each semester, which includes a meal plan consisting of lunch Sunday through Friday, dinner Monday through Friday, breakfast items available every morning, and anytime foods available 24/7.


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